The LILYPAD RACING CLUB has been created with one thing in mind, to allow people to have easy access (albeit in part) of ownership of Racing Greyhounds. Owning a greyhound or Greyhounds is more viable today than ever before with the superb run and prize money that's on offer at all levels of the Sport. However,for some sole Ownership can still be too much of a financial burden . There are those that would love with a vested interest but are unable to commit to sole ownership that would be happy to be involved if they could be sure the costs amounted to very little. The Lilypad Racing Club is Pat & Liz Curtin's way of helping those people do just that as well as be aparty to a relaxed and friendly 'club-like' environment.
The Curtins hoped that by intially funding the purchase of two young Racing Greyhounds namely AGENT AVA & AGENT TYLER , adding them to the racing strength at Monmore Green and then making their new Racing Club 'LIVE' and offering Membership , they will not only be offering people ownership but also created a fun way to get involved in the sport, but alsogo a long way to providing those who join with a supply of Racers for years to come. Already the numbers have been added to with AGENT WILMA , AGENT DIVA and now AGENT HARVEY is also on the Clubs books.
The way it works is very simple,..... IT IS A CLUB NOT A SYNDICATE. Whats the difference you may ask?The difference is in a syndicate you tend to have equal shares in the greyhound(s) as assets but you also have equal share in their liabiliities.With a club, you pay to join and you pay a subscription but you are only a party to the clubs information and activities, you do not have specific assets and you are not liable for specific liabilities.
With the LILYPAD RACING CLUB you are a party to information on the racing activities of all greyhounds that run for the club as well as having direct access ( through the formof kennel visits) to those greyhounds. You also have the opportunity to join other members at the race track to watch them race. The costs for the LILYPAD RACING CLUB are an initial Membership Fee of £100 and a monthly subscription of just £20 you will have equal membership to a club that owns and races greyhound and also offers many of the benefits that sole Owners enjoy.
How can we offer this so inexpensively and hope for the Club to become self-sufficient in Racers you may ask? The answer is thus::
All prize monies won by the Greyhounds who run under the Clubs 'AGENT'' prefix will be retained and put toward tn not only covering the costs of keeping the greyhounds in it's charge, but will also go on to help in adding to the number of hounds racing for Lilypad Racing Club. This ultimately should give members great value for money and stabilise the Clubs existence in the process. . While we all hope that the Clubs racers remain safe and have long and prosporous careers the retainment of prize money and the using of it to care for it's existiing hounds but also go toward the purchasing of new greyhounds which hopefully will not only keep existing members sufficiently stimulated but will also encourage others to come on board and the Membership and it's ideals will grow autmatically. If injury should rear it's ugly head among the clubs greyhounds policy is in place to ensure that there will always be a minimum of two dogs running for the Club at all times.
So it's that simple .... pay the Membership Fee and in doing so commit to a monthly subscription and you have an equal stake in the ownership iof a minimum of two racing greyhounds at Monmore Green Stadium. No other payments to be made othe rthan membership and monthly subcription. You will recieve a certificate of membership on which all the terms will be stated and information will be given on future Kennel visits etc.
SYNDICATION IS A VERY VIABLE ALTERNATIVE for ownership of a Racing Greyhound and as well as reducing responsibilty and costs it offers the opportunity for any one who partakes to meet new people and forge friendships that can last a lifetime.

Owning a racing greyhound is a thrill all people can experience. Put yourself and your greyhound first.
Contact Pat on 07795 097574 or Liz on 07765 570782